Infectious Opportunity
Ken Jaworoski
Wes, the lead character of "Infectious Opportunity," is a moderately interesting man. His conscience, however, is one enthralling woman. As portrayed by Jessi Gotta, she's the best reason to see this drama about a high-flying screenwriter and the appalling secret he hides. ...The script, by James Comtois, gives the best moments to Ms. Gotta, and she makes the most of them. ...This story of a writer has several good moments, made all the better when his psyche steps onstage.
nytheatre.com · 08/12/11
Infectious Opportunity
Jo Ann Rosen
Jessi Gotta gives the show its vitality with her luminous good looks and graceful movement and mannerisms. As Josie, she brings depth and range to her character. She is seductive, winning, and bitingly ironic. She provides the best strategy for deceptive interviews while simultaneously calling Wes on his life of lies.
nitelifeexchange.com · 8/28/11
Infectious Opportunity
Lissa Moira
As Josie (the avatar of Wes' conscience), Jessi Gotta packs power beneath the slink. She switches easily from impish blithe spirit mode to avenger with a quiver full of barbed wit-edged arrows, to a living conscience that cares for the man she haunts. Ms. Gotta delivers a dynamic performance.
stagebuzz.com · 10/29/08
The Blood Brothers Present: The Master of Horror
Byrne Harrison
The next play, Paranoid: A Chant, is a monologue which will be familiar to anyone who has sat near an unbalanced person on the subway. The Paranoiac (Jessi Gotta) is being watched - and studied -and recorded - but she's one step ahead of them. She knows their tricks. Played with outstanding intensity by Gotta, who manages to make the the audience feel her stifling paranoia and makes them feel claustrophobic in the creeping darkness, and directed with a manic intensity by Boisvert, this is the highlight of the evening.
broadwayworld.com · 10/18/08
The Blood Brothers Present: The Master of Horror
Duncan Pflaster
Gotta is a perfect haunted vision as Nona, as well as appearing in flashbacks as a high school inamorata ... Jessi Gotta takes the stage again in a one-woman tour-de-force, delivering "Paranoid: A Chant" as a spoken word with an appropriately fevered intensity. She's wonderfully insane.
nytheatre.com · 10/10/08
The Blood Brothers Present: The Master of Horror
Nat Cassidy
...Paranoid: a Chant, a one-woman performance of one of King's rare forays into poetry. It is directed by Boisvert and fiercely acted by Gotta. It ends up becoming the highlight of the evening, due entirely to the actress's skill and Boisvert's excellent management of the character's roiling (and, in lesser hands, nonsensical) paranoia.
nytheatre.com · 07/20/08
As You Like It
Mark DeFrancis
But the best reason to see this play is Jessi Gotta's performance as Rosalind. Along with Alisha Spielmann's ditzy Celia, Gotta provides the most entertaining moments of the event. She has a perfect grasp of how to turn 400-year-old verse into common speech and never lets you miss a line. She couples this with an exuberance which fills the space and lends to Rosalind the brilliance and optimism which make her such a lovable character. She is a performer to watch out for.
stagebuzz.com · 05/30/08
Colorful World
Byrne Harrison
Jessi Gotta is excellent as Tigress. Forced into the superhero racket by a pushy stage mother, Tigress wants to be a force for good when all the press wants is an adorable sex kitten. Gotta lets this disillusionment subtly tint most of the early scenes, and when Tigress is offered the chance to don her uniform and fight crime one more time, she lets that earlier disillusionment melt away and replaces it with an almost ferocious excitement. In addition, she does an outstanding job with Qui Nguyen and Alexis Black's fight choreography.
broadwayworld.com · 05/9/08
Colorful World
Duncan Pflaster
Jessi Gotta simply owns the stage as Tigress, looks great in her sex-kittenish costume, and kicks some serious butt in the fight choreography. Both actors do a fine job illustrating how their costumes change their personalties, letting their personal overmen out.
offoffonline.com · 10/12/07
The Blood Brothers Present: PULP
Samantha O'Brien
Both stories focus on plausible horrors: a jilted lover who's come to gun down a homewrecker in Best Served Cold and the inner monologue of a serial killer in Listening to Reason. They also contain the strongest performances, including Anna Kull's furiously heartbroken avenger in the former and Jessi Gotta's superbly subtle turn as a disabled victim in the latter.
nytheatre.com · 08/11/07
Josephine Cashman
Maggie Cino and Jessi Gotta enthusiastically throw themselves into the story, and quickly win the audience over with their vivacious characterizations. There are charming and laugh-out-loud moments, such as their dance as they prepare to travel far south with parkas from Marshall's, and the imaginary slide show they hope to present to their friends upon their return. ... Gotta is winsome as boy-crazy Winnie...